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2022-09-16 20:38:40 By : Ms. Joanna Wang

CC Republican Party announces headquarter hours

LOCK HAVEN — Clinton County Republican Party Election Headquarters manager, Vicki Adams has announced that the headquarters, located at 7 First St., the former Walkers Hardware Store across the railroad tracks from Wendy’s, will be open Fridays from 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Adams noted that she is seeking more volunteers to expand the hours and days of operation. Those interested in becoming a volunteer are encouraged to call or text the Republican Election Headquarters at 570-560-9171.

The Election Center provides assistance to register to vote, change party registration, and complete forms to request Mail-in and Absentee Ballots. Candidate Yard Signs and literature and some political merchandise to currently include flags and hats are also available.

For additional information about coming events and the availability of yard signs, visit the Republican Party of Clinton County PA Election Center or call 570-560-9171

SNOW SHOE — The 15th annual Snow Shoe Fall Festival and Car Show will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Snow Shoe Park in Snow Shoe.

Breakfast will be served from 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. There will be a craft and flea market, vendors, a Chinese auction, face painting and other activities. There will be a car show, live music, activities for children, barbecue chicken and much more. All proceeds will benefit the Veteran’s Memorial Fund.

Admission is free, as is parking. Call 814-571-3446 for more information or check out Snow Shoe Fall Festival on Facebook.

LOGANTON — The Sugar Valley Lions Club will host a Primitive Bingo at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22, at the SVVFC Firehouse Banquet Hall, 24 W. Anthony St., Loganton.

Food is available. There will be rip tickets, a 50/50 and a Chinese auction. Advance tickets are $30. For more information, contact Holly at 570-367-9527 or Bob at 570-725-3665.

All proceeds will benefit the Sugar Valley Lions Club to help those less fortunate.

Bingo to benefit local man on Oct. 2

LOCK HAVEN — A Bingo benefit will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2, at the Dunnstown Fire Hall, 70 Woodward Ave., Lock Haven.

Doors open at 11 a.m. with tickets costing $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Rip tickets will be sold before and during the games along with a Chinese auction and food is available for purchase.

Proceeds will benefit Jason who was involved in an accidental shooting. He was in the ICU for 11 days before being moved to a regular care floor. He will not be able to work for some time and, according to family, hospital bills and basic costs are piling up.

For tickets or to donate a basket to the auction, call Sarah Emahiser at 570-927-2476 or Liz Gill at 570-660-2427.

Orthodontics host’s Operation Candy Buyback

McELHATTAN — Lock Haven’s Mid-State Orthodontics will be hosting Operation Candy Buyback Nov. 1 through Nov. 4. Mid-State Orthodontics will buy your left over Halloween Candy at $1 per pound! Candy goes to deployed soldiers — sending troops a taste of home!

Please stop by anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. at its office located off Linnippi Trail in McElhattan. Drops offs are welcome from Tuesday, Nov. 1, and Thursday, Nov. 3. Mid-State will also be buying candy in its State College office Wednesday, Nov. 2, between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., located 1951 Pine Hall Road, Suite 200.

Covenant Cafe to meet on Sept. 20

LOCK HAVEN — The Covenant Cafe, an early stage Alzheimer’s activity group, will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 20, from 1 to 3 p.m. Weather permitting, the group will meet at Covenant United Methodist Church, 44 W. Main St., Lock Haven by 12:50 p.m. to carpool to Riverview Park in Woodward Township.

After a picnic lunch, Master Gardener Amy Strong will do a presentation on flower arranging. Guest volunteer Barb Hendricks will conduct a seated exercise class using pool noodles. Ice cream sundaes will complete the afternoon. If the weather is inclement, all activities will be conducted at the church.

The Covenant Cafe is a joint venture between the Outreach and Witness Committee of Covenant United Methodist, the Alzheimer’s Support Group and the Alzheimer’s Association.

Participants in this group are given an opportunity to be involved in socially and physically stimulating programs which will help them remain as active as possible. New members are always welcome.

Individuals and families who are interested in being involved in this special program are invited to contact Fran Decker, MSW at (570) 748-4302 or (570) 263-2084 or at fdecker@kcnet.org for further information.

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